AES60 The Start of My Journey on Feminism
Saskia Electra
Thursday October 21 2021, 8:09 PM
AES60 The Start of My Journey on Feminism

So, as long as I’ve known I have always believed in equality for human beings, regardless of their gender, race, sexuality, etc. But this belief in gender equality didn’t come out of the blue. I remember this specific story of me I was like in the 4th grade. So we were learning about rights and obligations in the family. I was like okay let’s give it a try. I got a piece of paper and there were like the rights and obligations in the family and I was so confused. I assume kakak just took that off the internet or maybe they didn’t check it. But basically, it was very sexist, for example, it says that a wife has to take care of the house and the children and that’s only on the wife’s side. 

Because I was the only one in the class that has a single mother, so with that condition I was like that isn’t fair how people see women. So I said like I think this isn’t right and I asked my friends and they thought it was fine, or some of them didn’t understand what I was saying. Not long after that, it was exam week. This topic of course came and I was so mad about it I felt like this is like so wrong. So I just answered with the opinion that I believed, so I just write what I think is true. I said like I believe that women shouldn’t do housework just because they’re a woman. I wasn’t surprised that I failed the test. 

So yeah that’s a little story on how my eyes were kinda opened to the world of feminism. I personally think it’s a very interesting story tho. Im really proud of myself for standing up with my beliefs at the time, altho I was so young. 


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