I tend to forget how lucky I am to be living in Bandung. The revelation came when I went to Jakarta.
I was on the toll road approaching Jakarta and then my phone weather's stats beginning to change from rainy to haze. I thought, what does that even mean in weather? So I decided to google it.
=What does haze mean in weather?=
Haze. A suspension in the air of extremely small, dry particles that are invisible to the naked eye and sufficiently numerous to give the air an opalescent appearance. That is the scientific way of saying haze is air pollution. There is often not much difference in the appearance of 'haze' and 'mist'.
Wow... I thought... Is the pollution in Jakarta that bad?
Apparently, it is!
My phone's weather prediction didn't change its status until I was leaving Jakarta again.
I thought because it's pandemic the pollution should decrease. After all, the people are supposed to stay at home. But my Jakarta's newest experience has shattered my foolish belief, it is still full of traffic jams everywhere. So apparently most people don't abide by the government suggestions after all.
Now... I'm back in Bandung. I checked my phone's weather's status, it seems to be back to normal, the mostly cloudy status for now. Thankfully no more haze. Boy, I was really glad about it. I just wish that in the future the people in Jakarta can have less haze and more sunny, cloudy, or even rainy status on their phones...
Jakarta's air is the most polluted in the world. https://coconuts.co/jakarta/news/jakarta-ranks-1-again-on-index-of-cities-with-the-highest-levels-of-air-pollution-in-the-world-this-morning/